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 Self Care is a Strategy: The 5 Sets of Success (4 of 5) | Elizabeth Yang Show E10

 Self Care is a Strategy: The 5 Sets of Success (4 of 5) | Elizabeth Yang Show E10

September 05, 20231 min read

Do you tend to wait until you’re burned out to schedule self-care? 

As entrepreneurs, we tend to be ambitious, hard workers and we can continuously push our own care to the side in pursuit of more “important” priorities or until we reach a specific goal. 

But your lack of rest might just be the thing that’s preventing you from growing. 

In this episode, I share why and how you can show up like the CEO, view self-care as a necessary strategy, and take time to rest and reset no matter what stage of business you’re in.

Listen on your favorite podcast app.


Tune in for:

00:46 — Think of rest like an athlete — mandatory

02:01 — How dedicating time for yourself every month supports your ability to show up like a CEO 

03:58 — Understanding your bounce-back rate to get back into flow during challenging periods

05:34 — Failure is part of the success

06:03 — What do you need to reset? 

08:57 — The most influential people have built their success on ritual and routine

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