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"You're Too Expensive" — A $50,000 Self-Worth Lesson | Elizabeth Yang Show E1

"You're Too Expensive" — A $50,000 Self-Worth Lesson | Elizabeth Yang Show E1

July 11, 20232 min read

How many times have you heard the “you’re too expensive”?

Early in my business, I was talking to a multiple six-figure business owner who wanted to work with me.

When we finally moved forward and got to the sales conversation and we started talking about pricing, I shared my pricing was $5,000 to work together.

She said to me, “Elizabeth, that's a lot. That's too expensive for me.”

I wanted to cave in to help her.

Have you ever had those moments where you're talking to someone and you completely hit it off and in your heart, you are so certain you can support them and help them get to the other side?

But I didn’t cave and she said she would think about it.

Six months later, I found out she invested $50,000 in another coach.

In this episode, I’m sharing my $50,000 lesson on this objection and the big AHA moment I had when I first started my business that catapulted my self-worth and changed the way I approached sales that grew my business to half a million dollars in sales.



What's wrong with me? Why wasn't I good enough? Worthy enough of you investing $5,000 to work with me, but this person over here, you could invest $50,000 in. It took me a while to work through that...

But what that taught me about my self-worth at that time was that I had my self worth and validation tied to my business.

Tune in for:

00:54 — The problem with “charging your worth” 

02:28 — Why a multiple-six-figure entrepreneur said $5,000 was too high of an investment

07:55 — What you need to focus on when a client says you're too expensive

10:09 — The details that matter to close right-fit clients

11:04 — Why charging a premium price supports your clients

14:56 — What to do instead of trying to “charge your worth”

💸Grab Your Freebie to Conversations to Dollars: Your High Value Worth Sales Guide

Turn your classy conversations into happy sales with your high value worth sales guide!  Inside you’ll get the 6 Magical Words that (Nearly) Guarantees You Get A Reply Back to DM Do’s & Don’ts to The 3 Common Objections with Premium Sales & How to Respond and so much more!

Click here to get the guide

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