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How Mae Yang Quit Her Job in 4  Months & Hit $17,000 in Sales in One Month | Elizabeth Yang Show E9

How Mae Yang Quit Her Job in 4 Months & Hit $17,000 in Sales in One Month | Elizabeth Yang Show E9

August 29, 20232 min read

Mae Yang, a financial strategist, was completely invisible in her business. She considered herself a “secret agent.”

She was working in a corporate job while working to build her business on the side, but she wasn’t showing up online or connecting with potential clients. 

But sales happen from being visible, and Mae was committed to making a needed change to reach her goals and secure her own financial future. 

In this episode, Mae shares how working together allowed her to develop a mindset where she was confident to show up online, and within 2 weeks of starting to show up, she landed her first high value sale. 

If you’re in the early stages of building your business, wondering how you’re going to get those first few clients so you can quit your job or have more consistent sales, Mae’s story will give you so much inspiration and allow you to see to believe it is possible. 

In this conversation, she emphasizes the importance of visibility and personalized conversations in generating leads organically, investing in coaching and outsourcing to break through barriers and achieve goals, and building a contact list of leads to secure sales today and months down the road. 

Listen on your favorite podcast app.


Tune in for:

01:07 — Get to know Mae and her work as the founder of the Money Ahead Method 

02:11 — The value of getting the results you want faster

03:22 — How to choose mentors that can look at the full picture of your business — not just one aspect 

07:27 — How Mae went from selling one single solution to a suite of financial services 

08:56 — Making the transition from “buttoned-up” corporate to a highly visible, social selling entrepreneur

09:55 — How to navigate the mindset challenges that come with going from “invisible” to “visible”

12:33 — How Mae was able to quit her job within four months of starting to sell on social media 

13:53 — Building the CEO mindset to continue building sales momentum 

16:21 — Outsourcing tasks that generate high value sales to grow faster

Mentioned in this Episode:


Mae Yang is an experienced Financial Strategist, National Certified Financial Education Instructor, and founder of Money Ahead Method for working professionals. She provides her clients with a clear comprehensive and customized plan that aligns with their needs and goals, so they meet their financial goals faster. 

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/maeyang.MEGFinancialWellness

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Elizabeth Yang’s podcast on Google: Strategies for diverse leaders to excel in social sales.

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